Thursday 30 April 2015

ROSES ARE RED loungewear

Well, it's easier talking about others' work, right?
But it's time to write about my new loungewear brand ROSES ARE RED. It was launched one month ago, although i couldn't find a single moment to sit down, take a breath and put the words together. This is the most hard-working and creative time of my life and it feels so right sharing it with you.
I always wanted to create my own label, since i had the Fashion Design Diploma in my hands, but when the right time comes, you just feel it. And when you get to combine the biggest passions of your life, it's even dreamier. Referring to design + poetry. The collection is accompanied by a series of poems that compliment the brand's poetic concept, inspired by the love couplet "Roses are red, Violets are blue". Just as this couplet is the beginning of an incomplete poem, challenging you to continue the rhyme, ROSES ARE RED garments are made for you to continue their story, wearing them and living in their silk touch.
Well, i believe that most of you have already seen the collection online here. So, this is a post dedicated mostly to all these people who stood by me in order to create a beautiful, poetic campaign, corresponding to ROSES ARE RED's personality.
A huge THANKS to photographer Maria Maraki for an excellent cooperation and result, Elena Hatzinikolidou for her amazing hands creating the romantic make up, Alexandra Stais for the Graphic Design and the whole input in the creative direction, Akis Akila for the hair styling. My two amazing models Fleur Van Sande and Ilias Konstantinou for making everything look beautiful and my two best friends for their precious help Vassia Baka and Pavlina Papailiopoulou
Posting the campaign here, although you can take a look on eshop as well.

Wednesday 29 April 2015


Suggesting the perfect going out outfit for early spring nights, by clotho theory.
When red seems bold, then black is a dark tone of light.
The Little red dress becomes the new Little black dress.
I've been wearing this coat lately and i can definitely say that's the ultimate solution for current weather.  Find the red dress here and the coat here. And as for the shoes, upscaling styling with snickers might be a safe option, unless you are a top model with endless legs - then heels work just fine :)