Wednesday 29 June 2011

hair inspirations

ok i need some inspiration cause i'm in hair growing process and i have to do something while waiting. Except for the haircut, i'm thinking of changing the colour too. The last time i dyed my hair was at high school -dear classmates i'm sure you remember me coming at school one day in the middle of the summer-exams, with an almost shaved red head. Yeap that's right, back then, i had shaved my hair and dyed it red. And then fuchsia, and then orange, and then blonde and then black. And all that in one single summer.  (Ok the black colour was done back in september, the night just before the first day at school, so that i could go on playing that good girl/good student role)
So, here's a mini research i've done, desperately seeking (not to say sicking, and not to say chicing!) for inspiration.
p.s. in Greek we're sayin 'let's talk about hair', when we talk about meaningless stuff. Yeap that's right: i'm posting about hair, while we're on a protest mode, here in this country. We, also, say something else. 'Here the world is coming to an end, and the pussy combs itself'. cheers.


pavlina said...

αυτο το κινεζάκι ειναι το καλύτερο μακράν

Emmanuelle said...

and the pussy combs itself χαχαχαχα... κάντα αμελί, αν και θα είναι λίγο δύσκολο με τα χτενίσματα, ακόμα αναρωτιέμαι πως σκατά τα έπιανε στην ταινία said...

latreuo tin agnes!!!!to styl tis,ta mallia tis,ta panta!!!