Thursday 9 June 2011

hunting season starts with paul sarz -the party

yesterday @ paul sarz jewellery shop.
Paul presented his new collection (photoshoot preview here), got us drunk and made us painfully eat delicious chocolate cakes. His store turned one year old and he chose to celebrate with friends and fav fans of his work. The new store window is a piece of art. I'm convinced that Paul lives in a parallel world.. You'll get my point as soon as you visit him..
But guys, seriously.. yesterday i just forgot about Paul, his shop, his jewellery, his red head and everything, once i came face to face with a little miracle. oh-my-god his sister gave birth to a little angel. The most beautiful baby on the planet AND Paul's parallel world...! This is a reason why women get crazy about having babies. The Angel kids. You'll see one of those scrolling down..
p.s. Check out more about Paul Sarz by clicking here, here, here, here and here.


not a girl not yet a woman! said...

Το χρώμα που έχει το φόρεμά σου είναι εξαιρετικό...Και σου πάει τόσο πολύ..Καλά για τα υπόλοιπα δεν θα πω τίποτις..Είναι τόοοοσο Paul..!

paul sarz said...

htan teleia ola thank youuuuu !!!!oi photos einai apisteutes opos kai o anipsios mou xxxxxxxxxxxx