Thursday 27 May 2010

Cause wishes must always come true.. even the simplest ones..

Today, scrolling down one of my fav blogs: Miss Athenes, i fell on this post, which talks about the 'making of' the Motwary/Mastory film for SARKA 23 JULY 1677, and the night of its presentation. At the end of her post, and after her great event coverage with all these beautiful and spontaneous photos, that Mariaflora usually 'performs', she wrote: "I had the most beautiful Motwary/ Mastory outfit on, i wish i had taken a few photos of me.. "

Dear sweet Mariaflora, i had the chance to be there that night, to watch the wonderful Filep's& Maria's film, and -of course- to capture your - indeed- devine outfit! So, enjoy it...!
With love..

...And our gorgeous Filep (Mariaflora's dress Designer), posing for me:


battered couture said...

mariaflora---->crazy cool. said...

thanks ladies!!kinda needed that ego boost this morning too xxx said...

thanks ladies!!kinda needed that ego boost this morning too xxx

joanaddicted said...

cheers miss!

Anonymous said...

Cool outfit indeed!And you are EVERYWHERE! Something about March comes in my mind! HA HA!

meraldia said...

Both of them look great!