Sunday 11 April 2010

Berliners' style touch

Berliners are inspiration! Whenever and wherever in Berlin, someone or something would trigger my eye.. i couldn't stop taking pictures of people or places, stating uncured style-hunger.

Starting with the people in this post, this is just a sample of the charming little details caught by my camera.

@ Kreuzberg:

@ Mitte:

@ Kastanienallee:


And myself in the role of the photographer:

Many more are standing by to be posted very shortly!!! (1.200 pics in my camera have to be properly used, right?)


meraldia said...

Η γιαγιά με το κόκκινο παλτό όλα τα λεφτά!

joanaddicted said...

sumfwnw apoluta!!!! einai thea!!! itan sthn kosmara ths!!

Unknown said...

loving all those pics x

Margaret said...

great photos!!!
loving all the inspiration :D on your blog
stop by some time xx

Zakos said...

fantastic photos...u definately caught the vibe of the city! everybody seems so stylish and sleek...great!
