Thursday 29 April 2010

My new obsession, Chloe

The new fragrance by Chloe. I had no idea..
Last week, i saw my good friend and beauty editor in Vogue, Kakia, and, as always, i started asking her to know all about the new beauty things that she is discovering around the world.. And as she knows me really really well, she just preferred recommending me, according to my personality, a fresh and new fragrance, that hasn't even arrived in Greek beauty stores yet... She said 'Just go for the new Chloe, it's made for you'.
So, having blind faith to my friend, i went all around Athens in order to find it (big story how i found it...)

Opening it, i started feeling things...Smelling it, i felt no gravity.
Vintage with modernity, floral with flower absence, artistic but common sense, summery with winter touch, young with maturity... what happened to me? i don't expect you to understand what i'm saying. But if you'll have the chance to smell this new Chloe magical atmosphere, close your eyes first. Will you be feeling your feet down to earth?

Preferred to match it with my Yves Saint Laurent Ring in this pic............


Anonymous said...

Oh! Much better layout! As for the perfume I prefer even more warm ones like givenchy ange ou demon!

Anonymous said...

I really like your blog! We should meet sometime!

Lopi said...

Wow, that must be a great feeling, finding the perfume that was made for you! I've been wearing the same one, Anaïs Anaïs by Cacharel, for over 10 years now and I'm still not bored of it.

Anonymous said...

i seriously love this scent too. so surprising!!

great blog :D

Anonymous said...


joanaddicted said...

Lopi, i used to be like you, addicted to one and only perfume.. but once you go 'new', you never go back!! but don't you need a feel of refresh, a new you?? i'll try Anais Anais, i'm curious now!!

batsandbows said...

they should pay you for this post. haha, i HAVE to go smell it tomorrow, its sounds wonderful.

TheStreetFashion5xpro said...

fabulous parfum

natalie said...

Oh, I think I have to smell this!

Denisa L said...

I smelled it, indeed it's fantastic:)
Right now, I also like eau demoiselle by Givenchy, you should try it, it's wonderful:)